Is This Common Mistake Holding You From Making Money?

I always ask my students: “What is your target market?” And many times I receive the answer:

“My target market is everybody.”

Then, I have to explain to them how that approach will make them fail and the importance of targeting a small niche. For this reason I want to share with you this article, so that you don’t make that same mistake.

Your product needs to be special. It has to fit the needs of a specific group. Narrow down your potential market or it will become too much. Consider it: you sell glue. OK, what kind? What is it for? Who needs it? Why?

The possibilities are endless. Unless your plan is to establish a huge corporation and you have the funds to put it together, with hundreds of products, you need to find a niche, a spot where you can attract the right customers for your particular item.

Narrowing down your potential customers means you can spend more time focusing on them. A smaller focus allows you to do as well as, or better than, those large corporations. Good profits can come from concentrating on a specific group that can use your product for a special project or need.

Let’s say that you want to go into the weight loss market, as you know it is a very profitable market but with a huge competition so, it is difficult to compete with large companies because they have huge budgets.

But if you narrow it down you have more chances to stand out from your competitors and make good profit. In this case you can target weight loss after pregnancy or weight loss for women between 45 and 60, etc.

The same with the Internet Marketing market, let’s say you want to go with traffic where you’ll find lot of competitors. But if you go deeper everything becomes easier, you can go with traffic using social media or go even deeper, traffic using facebook. The more you narrow it down the better. 

In order to narrow down your niche you have to explore the market place and know what it needs. Now, consider the results of the market survey you had done and the areas where your competitors are already doing well. Use a table or a graph to show where there might be an opening for your product or service.

One hard step that needs to be taken is finding the right combination of product, service, quality, and price. Customers need to feel you will give them a better deal and meet their needs. Sadly, there’s no proven effective path to follow to find the right combination. You just have to compare things and see what works best.

Your database should be put together with care, as it can help you sort through the market information and show particular segments that could be overlooked. Which age groups tend to buy your product? What other items purchased? You could find additional products your buyers may be interested in.

Where should you start? Passion is a good starting point, because if the work is focused on something you love, you try harder. With a product you really like, you’ll be more willing to do the hard work to get it promoted and refine your skills.

Look into what you like and see if you can make it profitable. Will people want it? Will they look online for places to get it from? Whatever you decide to sell, there has to be a demand. Lots of places can be checked for this information - Blogs, forums and affiliate networks, social media sites, etc.

I would like to hear your feedback about this

Personal Atrophy for Foolish People

In Personal Development for Smart People (see my book review here),Steve Pavlina lists the three core principles of personal development as Truth, Love and Power.
When you combine the principles, you get the secondary principles of personal development; Truth combined with Love gives you Oneness, Love and Power combine to give you Courage and Truth with Power gives you Authority. All together, the six principles combine to give you the seventh core principle of personal development: Intelligence.

Steve says that these core principles are universal and cannot be broken down into smaller chunks. I’ve been thinking that if these truly are the core principles of personal development, then their inverse should also be true.

Personal Atrophy for Foolish People

The core principles of personal atrophy, as opposed to personal development, should then beFalsehood, Apathy and Powerlessness.
When you refuse to face the truth, you deceive yourself and live in falsehood, also known as denial.
The opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s apathy. When you hate, you’re still polarized, but when you’re apathetic you can’t even get yourself to care enough to hate, much less love.
And when you’re powerless, you can hardly muster any ability to change your life.
The more you direct your life towards Falsehood, Apathy and Powerlessness, the more you’ll regress in your life instead of improve.
The secondary principles of personal atrophy are Separation, Timidity and Submission.
When you live in denial and can’t be bothered to care, you feel separated from your life, your surroundings and other living beings.
When you’re powerlessness and apathetic, you live life timidly because you don’t believe you have the power to overcome challenges, and you lack the motivation to even try.
Living in denial and powerlessness causes you to live in submission, or passivity. Instead of being the power in your life, you allow yourself to bow down to circumstances.
The six principles of personal atrophy in their totality become foolishness. Whereas moving towards Truth, Love and Power is a more intelligent way to live your life, moving towards Falsehood, Apathy and Powerlessness is a foolish way to spend it.

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Make Money Online – Not Every Scheme can Fetch Money

People have started to look for additional income to improve their livelihood, and make money online is one among those, as you may not have to move to other places to work. Although, there are so many online scams involved in money making, you definitely can meet people who earn a lot through online. And it is for sure that offline can give you money, but not like the online jobs.

When there are so many folks around the world minting money online, you too can certainly do it. You just have to find the technique of the successful people online. You need not reinvent the wheel, it is already well made and you just have to spin it. People need information and solutions.

The veterans online making money are advising the people not to wile away the time with email reading, forum posting, ad posting, pay per click programs etc. if you are determined and really ready to work, get ready to provide product, service and information to the people according to their need, solving problems or entertaining or fill their brains, as people are prepared to pay for it.

The two main online businesses that fall under this category is affiliate marketing, in which you help the manufacturers to promote their products and services. And the other one is forex or foreign exchange trading. Get some excellent mentors to learn the gimmicks and tactics involved in these two businesses to make money online. Following the experts in their same way can mint you huge sum of money.

Self discipline and self determination are the two main personal traits essential for online working pattern. Nobody can make huge money without making any effort towards the path of success. Make money online too demands your quality time to be spent, at the initial stages, and in the later stages money may pour in automatically. You can learn by trail and error method, but it consumes lot of your time, where you can start earning with it.

Using forex software may bring you lot of profit, even as a novice trader. And in the affiliate marketing, you will definitely have mentors to help you to proceed in a proper way to earn great money, which the mentors would have crossed during their early stages. They will be proud to help you to make money online.

Why the Blogging Turtle Beats the Blogging Hare Every Time...!

I have to admit, I started my blog - Residuals and Royalties with a passion and conviction to become one of the top bloggers in the "make money online" niche. I had a great Wordpress design and I was posting every day. Like the hare in the old children story - I started out fast! I was excited to see my blog gaining traffic and for months I kept posting at an amazing pace. Then when I noticed that I was not making the money I had hoped, in fact I was not making much money at all - I did what most bloggers do. I quit. I stopped posting almost altogether. I may have added a post here and there - but that initial drive was gone. This is the reason why I am not a top blogger and if I plan on becoming one - I better start acting more like the turtle.

Being like a turtle requires a slow steady pace of building inbound links to my blog and posting at least 3 times a week. Consistency is the key to success. I just wish someone would have told me that a year ago. The fact is - if you want to be like Shoemoney, Darren Rowse or John Chow - you have to be consistent.

I haven't given up my plan of becoming a top blogger and I believe my website has all the makings of a top blog. But as of now, I am going to start living life like the turtle. My goal is to slowly move to the top few pages of Google for the search term - make money online. This term gets 600,000 to 1,000,000 searches per month. I plan on monetizing my blog so that advertisers will want to purchase space. I plan on building a following via twitter, RSS and Aweber. These are the secrets to becoming a top blogger. So if you'd like to watch me grow, check out my blog at the link below.

I have spent the last year finding legitimate ways to make money online and I am sure you will find a few gems there for yourself. I currently make about $900 a month online, which is no where near my goal. But hey, it's a start.


If you want to promote a program, an opportunity, a website or a blog that is related to making money online, MoneyMakerInfo is the place for you to do it.

MoneyMakerInfo gets between 1,200 to 1,600 unique visitors daily. About 95% of the visitors are from Google search engine. These Google visitors have real interest to know how to make money online. They are actively searching for money making opportunities, programs and information. The rest of the 5% are bloggers and webmasters.

Latest Stats:

  • Google Ranking: No 1. for keyword 'Make Money Online' in and several other related keywords.
  • Alexa Traffic Rank: 40,554
  • Daily New and Unique Visitors: 1,400 in average
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How to make money from your blog: 5 Tips

Many of the people who write blogs today simply want to share their opinion on something. But then there are the business-minded folks, who have found a way to use blogs, or Web logs, to bring in a little extra cash too.
I recently wrote a column detailing how to get a blog up and running to boost your small business.
If you're interested in taking it further — blogging for
bucks, if you will — here are five strategies that could turn your blog into a moneymaker.
1. Sell advertising. This is likely the most common means of leveraging a blog to generate income. If yours happens to become a well-known blog, or one that is well-received in a particular niche, it's always possible to sell ad space on your own. For lesser-known blogs, services such as Google's AdSense or BlogAds enable bloggers to establish ad programs.AdSense's — which lets you select several ads that are consistent with the content of your blog — pays you based on how many readers click on the ads for further information. Even better, it's free. BlogAds, on the other hand, hooks bloggers up with would-be advertisers and levies a commission in return for any ad placements that result. "The nice thing, too, is that the ads are relatively unobtrusive," says Scott Allen, co-author of "The Virtual Handshake: Opening Doors and Closing Deals Online.
2. Help sell others' products. Here is another click-through opportunity. Affiliate programs enable your blog to serve as a conduit between readers and online sites offering various goods and services. One popular choice is If, for instance, you offer book reviews or even just mention a book in passing in your blog, an affiliate program provides a means for your readers to click directly from your blog to Amazon to obtain further information about the book. If they break out the checkbook or charge card, you get paid as well.
3. Solicit contributions. Not every blog-related income opportunity involves hawking goods or services. As Blanche DuBois did in "A Streetcar Named Desire," consider relying on the kindness of strangers. Ask for contributions. If, for instance, your small supports a cause or issue in some fashion — say you repeatedly mention tax reform, health care or some other topic — you can always ask for reader support. Even if you've attracted a group of regular followers who simply enjoy reading what you have to say, they may be willing to underwrite their loyalty with a little financial help.
Programs such as PayPal make it easy to establish a simple on-site contribution collection button. "There are lots of worthy 'cause' blogs that would qualify for donations from grateful members of the blog community," says Las Vegas communications consultant Ned Barnett.
4. Market your services in your blog. Many people associate blogs exclusively with a cyberspace-based soapbox — a place to shout your opinions and little more than that. Granted, blogs are an ideal venue to share your thoughts with others, but don't overlook their capacity to generate new
business as well. When appropriate, work in references to what you do and, in turn, what you may be able to offer any would-be client or customer who may be reading your blog. That can spread your opinion and your business moxie at the same time."Instead of short commentaries that begin a dialogue with readers, as many blogs do, I write the equivalent of journal articles that demonstrate my abilities, strategies and perspectives on specific issues," Barnett says. "When it resonates, it means money. Since starting this approach, I have generated three new paying clients and brought in about $10,000 on revenue — directly attributable to specific blogs."
5. Use a blog to deepen your existing customer relations . Nor does any marketing material inserted in blog content have to be limited to bringing in completely new business. By using a blog to regularly communicate with existing clients as well as other readers, you can take advantage of the opportunity to fully inform them about everything your business does. That may expand your readers' understanding of the full scope of your products or services."My blog has helped existing clients determine the range of my skills and services," says Ted Demopoulos of Demopoulos Associates, a Durham,
N.H. consulting and training concern. "One client who had only used me for training in the past was surprised at my range of expertise and is now using me for a consulting project. Another who only used me on technical projects is now considering me for a more business-oriented project."
Visit the Small Business Marketing Articles section of the website to learn more about small business marketing strategies and solutions.

What makes a great headteacher?


David Kirk

It's wonderful to feel inspired. I've just finished reading a short book which I found really fantastic - it even made me brush away a tear or two.

When I tell you the title of the book, you may find it strange that it left me so affected. It's not got the most catchy of titles, and its subject is education. But that's the point: education can be truly inspiring.

The book is called Turning Heads: Reflections on Leadership, and has been released under the auspices of the National College for School Leadership. It's a simple volume, short, with profiles of ten very different headteachers, all Teaching Award winners. Each has a great - and unique - tale to tell.

Some teach in cities, some in the country and one at a special school (where she integrated a small group of pupils with profound learning difficulties into the rest of the school; before that, they had been in an isolated classroom). Some have been teaching for decades, others haven't. Some are male, and some are female. But they are all inspiring, and they have all made such a huge, positive, difference to children, and whole communities.

One head, Sarah Dignasse, has changed the curriculum at Key Stage 4, by offering some pupils the chance to spend two days a week in school, and the other three at college or with an employer. She wanted to make her local school, Plume, in Maldon, Essex, one where children and parents were happy. They are. University applications are now up from 40 to 90 percent, while GCSE results are up from 37 percent (from when she arrived) to 60 percent who got five A* to C last year. It's very impressive.

Meanwhile Jasminder Grewal, headteacher of North Primary School in Southall runs what Ofsted describes as an "outstanding" school, while the dynamic Kevin Harcombe, of Redlands Primary in Hampshire seems to be full of passion and ideas. David Kirk (pictured above) headteacher of Ash Green Primary in Halifax, has turned his school around, working with the entire community and introducing new traditions (an annual musical in the town centre, for example) which children adore. He hated school as a child, but when you read his profile, you think how lucky the children at his school now are.

But while all of the teachers are different, they also have some things in common. They all have huge influence on children (and parents). And they are also all good leaders.

The book got me wondering just what does make a great headteacher. I think it's the ability to lead, but also to manage. It's being able to remain positive, to know what you want, but also be open to ideas. And it's being open to change too.

The NCSL - who say that successful heads need to build a "vision" and also understand and develop people - recently carried out a survey of over 300 heads judged by Ofsted as "outstanding" for their leadership. These teachers were asked to rank the factors which had contributed the most to their success. They put "a strong personal faith/philosophy and vocation" at the top, and other inspiring role models second. In other words, to get good headteachers, you need good headteachers.

What do you think? Did you have a particularly inspiring headteacher? Or quite the opposite? I think that headteachers set the tone of the school and make a huge impression on children and parents alike. My secondary school head was a very formidable character, hugely impressive and intelligent, but also able to be approached if need be. I think that's a good mix. What about you?

Landlords return to the property market

New Flats at Hornsey Road. London.

For the first time in two years, landlords are buying more homes than they are selling. Developers are also opting to let rather than sell properties. Are landlords foolhardy and developers desperate? Or does the data suggest that demand for rentals is set to rise as a result of the mortgage famine and an increasing realisation among twentysomethings of the benefits of being a tenant? Below we answer your questions:

I thought that there were too many properties to let...

That is certainly the case in many areas, but there are signs of change: studies indicate that there could be insufficient properties to meet demand, with long waiting lists for social housing - the result of rising repossessions - and home ownership remaining out of reach for many young people. First-time buyers may find it even more difficult to secure a mortgage if the Financial Services Authority bans 100percent mortgages and caps home loans at three times a borrower's income, as has been hinted.

A report last year by Centre for Cities, the think-tank, found that by 2021 one in five homes will need to be a rental property to meet demand. Richard Donnell, Hometrack's head of research, says: “There is certainly a role for a larger rental sector. Over the past few months rents have begun to climb again in some areas as many would-be buyers turn to renting. This is only going to increase as fewer and fewer people can actually afford to buy.Is the downturn to blame?

Home ownership was in decline even before the housing crash. The proportion of households in England owning their own home fell from 70.9 per cent in 2003 to 68.3 per cent in 2008. Donnell adds: “People's expectations have changed. They still aspire to buying eventually but they no longer expect to do so in their twenties. They, and the lenders, have also now realised that when there are 67,000 repossessions predicted this year alone it just isn't responsible to get on the housing ladder at any cost.”

How do we compare with the rest of Europe?

The UK has the second-highest percentage of owner-occupation in Europe at 68.8 per cent (Spain has 82 per cent). In Germany just 43 per cent of residents own their own home. Professor Michael Ball, author of the RICS European Housing Review 2009, says: “Germany hasn't developed the same sentimental attitude towards home ownership as the British, partly because the relative cost of owning a house is much higher there. People tend to save for a deposit and buy in their forties.”

Germany allows tenants to negotiate lower rents the longer they stay in the same property. Most landlords are individuals with small property portfolios who are given an incentive to buy-to-let via income tax breaks.

What about America?

In the US, where 33 per cent of the population rent, according to the American Housing Survey 2007, more than 50 per cent of landlords are large companies or institutions such as MetLife, an insurance company, and Equity Residential, a real estate investment trust. Nick Jopling, head of residential at CB Richard Ellis, says: “These are purpose-built apartment blocks where the quality of living is much better and landlords treat their tenants as an asset. Rents aren't significantly cheaper than they are here but you get more bang for your buck.”

Do these systems work?

The German Government would like to increase home ownership. Professor Ball says: “The kind of long-term tenancy that Germany has can have a negative socio-economic impact, encouraging a lack of mobility as people choose to stay where they are for cheaper rents. This suffocates the birth rate, because people stay in their high-rise flats throughout their thirties and don't have room for big families.”

So what happens next?

Sir Bob Kerslake, chief executive of the Homes and Communities Agency, is keen to help institutions to invest in build-to-let stock. Some firms have begun already: the UK's largest residential landlord, Grainger, will let one third of its new flats, above, on Hornsey Road, North London, adding to its portfolio of 14,000 tenanted properties; rents will start at £220 a week. Andrew Pratt, managing director of residential at Grainger, says: “Build-to-let is a growing idea and may become an attractive option for developers.”

Richard Donnell says: “I do not think we are going to see the rental share of the housing market jump up to 40 per cent, particularly as home ownership is still the best way to make tax-free capital gains on an asset. And, usually, as we get older and need larger homes, renting is more expensive in the long run. But it is quite likely that it will climb from 10 per cent to something like 17 per cent.”

Who am I ??????


This is me Washik Amin and I would like to express myself to you. I have a simple personality with a heart which is cared for my beloved always….And I value honesty in any relationship. Because at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is the truth. I like to be swept off my feet, I LOVE LOVE LOVE surprises!

I am moody. I can be super sweet and attached to someone then be a total snob the next day...
Don’t ask me why... Ha-ha. I am a mystery even to myself on that one.

I'm unpredictable and insatiable. I guess it’s because I get bored easily.
I hope my girl friend will be charming, would carry my purse even if it’s... I don’t like wasting my time on people I don’t have anything in common with.

“S0 you have to keep the synch alive between our conversations otherwise you will reach the dead end.”
I only love the people that truly care for me. Their inspiration in life…

"Like grains of sand so easily you let me slip through your advice is get a better grip on the next handful because I'm gone with the wind".

People may judge me at first on how I react to things, I am really like that. But if you just had the chance to get to no me deeper, you'll totally understand and say "He’s so HOT!!”

I like to dream. I always dream which kind of dreams never become true. Yea… I properly know these dreams never become real. But I live in fanciful dream.

Somebody ask me-Whom do I love?

The only one answer is--- Gum ashle shopno ashe, Shopno ashle sha ashe; Gum na ashle shopno ashe na, Are shopno na ashle sha……….. (When I am asleep dreams make palace into my eyes and than she some. But when I am not in a state of sleep dreams don’t make edifice and she………..) I don’t know who she is? I can only imagine but can’t draw her. She is really unknown to me………………

All of my life I have waiting for all she give to me. When open my heart it shows me how to love unselfishly I have dreamed of this thousand times before, in my dreams I couldn’t love her more I would still have her here until the end of time she is all I need in my life.

My love life is quite boring at the moment because there isn’t one. I always have agreements about love and all that crap. I find it a very interesting topic because it’s not easy to understand. I understand that love is a very good thing when it works out but I also know that it can be very painful as well. Like everybody, I enjoy dating and getting to know people and stuff but I just find it very repetitive altogether. I am very happy for my friend though. She is currently in love with someone very special and she’s very lucky to have found happiness.

I Love the Simpson, mainly because it a good laugh and the ideas are so random and different, its so ruinously funny. I can go on and on about the Simpson but I think that’s just going to bore you to death considering that you also know the Simpson very well, hopefully. Like everyone, I have friends. (Thank God) However, I don’t have many close friends, only a small group of close friends that I trust and know very well.

Well, I am quite young I think. Just graduated high school and I am in first year university now. I do enjoy university life but prefer high school due to the work load. University lifestyle is fun though; the people are all very mature and independent. its very different but this whole notion of maturity worries me because it makes me feel like I’m growing abet too quickly.

I’m quite upset and frustrated at the moment. But this is as a result of the confusion I’ve been encountering these past few weeks. But that’s something I have to get my mind around before I explode... So I won't bore you with that.

Ps: If love is the answer, could you please rephrase the question?

I totally admit that I am a very unique boy. I laugh a lot and laugh at practically anything and everything. I do a lot of random things but am proud of them because I think it makes me different. But I realize no matter how different I try to be, I am still classified as a typical boy.

I am unmindful and vagrant. It is so hard to remember somebody or something. I can’t remember many things. I always think something but nothing……….. I am always busy because I don’t do anything (Conversely- I do nothing because I don’t have time to do something). Ha… Ha… Really…. But I’m a student.

I always love to live alone in any dark space may be world’s end even at the time of death.

People complain me that I am selfish but I can’t realize how they discover me? I think, I am Introvert and conservative but not selfish. I predominantly concerned with my own thought, nothing else……

I know that I have a life sequence. Every incident of my life occurs consequently. I can realize that but can’t control or manage that sequence.

Favorite Person: Holy Prophet Muhammad (sm).

Favorite Movies:
Bridge To Terabithia, Titanic, Matrix, A walk to remember, A lot like love, The notebook, If only, The wedding date, Another Cinderella story, Penelope, forgetting Sarah marshal, Tokyo drift, fast and the furious, comedy movies etc.

Favorite Music:
Thanks gives to Allah, Right here waiting, Waiting for tonight, Waiting for a girl, The power of love, Sacrifice, Beat it, About us, Careless whisper, As long as you love me, Rainy days, Sexy lady, Take my breath away, Believe, Heaven, Hazard, Wonderful Tonight, Flying Without You etc.

Favorite TV Shows:
Opera, Ellen, Friends, Law and order, The closer, Top chef, The bachelor, Gossip girl, The riches, One tree hill etc.


SOMEONE: In the opposite sex, what do you notice first?

ME: eyes, lips, leg everything, (maybe) grins*
oh and most importantly hygiene - got to smell clean and hot

SOMEONE: If a girl asked you out, how do you reject him?

ME: that’s easy. I always wear the promise ring my girl friend gave me so I would just simply flash it and tell the dude go capture someone else. ^_^

SOMEONE: Can you be a loyal boyfriend?

ME: Definitely... But if I leave, chase me please. Because I love that too. (But I will never leave you!)

SOMEONE: What's the most pleasurable thing you can do all by yourself?

ME: I love Q Tips deep inside my ear canal. Feel s00 good. Ha-ha whew*
I do it every morning and before I sleep..........

SOMEONE: What would you prefer a hot flash fling or a steady long term relationship?

ME: a hot steady relationship. ^__^

J: Is it true that Night Shift Workers has a very greedy appetite for an afternoon love?

ME: Geesz. You have a filthy mind. Why don’t you get a night shifter and see for our self. Ha-ha

N.B: There is no special reason for this article; I just wanna steal some moment out of your busy life and hope I can make you smile……..

For any feedback you can reach me by using my contact information or visiting

Thank you,

Sorry: Is it the most difficult word to say?


How often have you seen a Bangalee say "sorry"?
Does it help that there is no translation for the word "sorry" in Bangla? The closest we come to it is "dukhkhito" (I am sad), or maybe "bhul korsi" (I made a mistake). But apart from that English word, there is no other way to express succinctly our apologies for having made a mistake.

Is that why we, as a nation, tend not to apologise?

I believe not: if we can incorporate words such as "chair" and "pencil", why not use the word "sorry" whenever necessary?

A friend of mine once explained that he does not ever apologise. "If you kill a man, and then you say sorry, what good does that do?" he asks.

I commend the sentiment, if he believes that it is better to try to never commit an offence, than to be a repeat offender and repenter. But it is innate nature for all of us to try to stay on the whiter side of grey areas. Despite our efforts, it is impossible for us to escape from making a few mistakes in our lifetimes, and then becoming aware, soon afterwards, that those were mistakes.

Why is it then that the majority of Bangladeshis, after becoming aware of their irreversible mistakes, refuse to apologise for them?

Having refused to apologise, most people also refuse to appear as obstinate and insensitive as they actually are, and simply deny acknowledging thit they made any mistake whatsoever. This situation of a person's refusing to admit that he/she is merely mortal and prone to err, has led to the innumerable times that offenders try to justify their behaviour, try to blame the consequences on someone else, or simply deny that they were the perpetuator of the offence.

I think this situation on refusing to apologise is unique to us Bangalees: in any other part of the world, the word "sorry" is quite a common one to hear.

From minor offences, from accidentally scratching a person's car (which leads to the quite common Dhaka scenario of equally-indignant drivers, rickshawallahs and by-standers engaging in a scuffle in the middle of the road) to more grievous ones, such as arresting innocent juveniles, we seem incapable, as a nation, of admitting to our faults.

It is hard to explain why this should be so. Perhaps we feel some sense of insecurity, and fear |hat admitting to any flaw in our own self would be the equivalent of dealing, simultaneously, a great blow to our egos, our sense of self-worth, and the supposed high opinion that others hold of us.

It is often hard for us to see beyond the present moment. Like little children stealing cookies, we persist in believing that everyone else will continue to think that we are angels if we refuse to admit to our wrongs: even when we are caught with our hand in the jar, we engage in elaborate denences and denials.

However, what we fail to see is that there is life beyond the present moment. Admitting our blunders will not automatically paint us with tar and soot. While some may be shocked and disappointed to hear of our offences, people are more likely to respect us in the long run, for having the courage to admit to our imperfections. Whether it is a business, casual or personal relationship, apologies, when necessary, can help to improve or mend the relationship. And, by apologising, we are able to face our faults unswervingly and boldly, and learn from them for our future.

Perhaps there are many who would think that I am engaging in much ado about nothing. After all, hy should apologies be so necessary? When one has committed a mistake, it is over and done with: there is no point in crying over spilt milk.

I do not, however, believe that apologies, like any other part of civilized manners, can be so easily forgotten. Rather than destroying it, they are essential to preserving our own sense of worth, and placating an injured one.

As humans, we are shocked when oppressors do not apologise for their oppressions, when world leaders refuse to apologise for genocide. As a nation, we are still waiting for a proper apology for the war crimes perpetuated during our Liberation War.

Why, then, should we try to diminish the importance of apologies in our personal lives?

Looking back, but moving ahead....!!!

It's been over three decades since Bangladesh was born, and the mention of March 26, 1971 brings back terrible memories. We at Lifestyle magazine believe that all that our people endured in order to bring us our freedom should be an inspiration to look ahead and be proud of what we’ve achieved.

7 deadly skin sins......

Skin care

Some women (and sometimes men) have great skin but that does not mean they were born with it. You can curse them all you want but great skin has a lot to do with how you care for it. Some myths prevent many from getting that glowing complexion that Romeo thought was a light shinning yonder.

1: It's not just in the genes
Well, okay, genetics play a role in how your skin looks from the size of your pores to its texture and color. But if your mom looked like Michele Pfeiffer don't count on you looking like a younger version. Habits make more of a difference than genetics with the biggest culprit in aging being sun exposure as well as stress and sleep habits. Skipping sunscreen and sleeping on your side or stomach can all exacerbate and create wrinkles, adult acne and texture changes. Smoking and/or drinking doesn't help either.

2: The SPF number only does not tell you how much protection you're getting from the sun.
There are two types of damaging sun rays: UVA, which are responsible for aging the skin; and UVB, which are responsible for burning it. The SPF number on a bottle of sunscreen only gives a guide for how much UVB protection the product offers. It doesn't tell you whether or not the product protects from UVA rays (which are also responsible for melanoma). All sunscreens protect from UVB rays. To fully protect yourself, however, look for a product that contains UVA-blocking ingredients, too, such as zinc or avobenzone (Parsol 1789), and reapply often. Alternatively you could ask NASA to build you a high tech sun ray shielding hijab.

3: You don't necessarily need a separate sunscreen and moisturizer.

Sunscreens already add moisture to your skin because of their ingredients so if you have oily skin, you may want to skip the separate moisturizer. For those who prefer to wear both products, apply the moisturizer first; allow to dry, then apply the sunscreen. Either way, be sure to wear sunscreen daily because "Every day is sun day" even when the weather is overcast. Conversely, you could limit yourself to becoming a vampire and only going out at night.

4: Cosmetic creams don't turn back time for your skin.
Miracles don't come in a bottle, jar or tube. As you age, your facial bones shrink, you lose fat under the skin, and your skin begins to become loose. Rubbing on a cream isn't going to address these things. What's more, cosmetic skincare products cannot, by FDA law, include medications, which are the only things that truly change the structure of the skin. What cosmetic creams can do is temporarily plump up and hydrate your skin. Dermatologists can help in this regard. Problem in our country is that you first need help to find a good dermatologist.

5: Sun damage happens throughout your life
Recent studies have shown that by age 18, you've only accumulated 18 to 23 percent of the sun damage you'll incur over a lifetime. That means that there's still time to protect your skin from the sun and put off sun-induced aging. Do this by using sunscreen and products with sun-damage reversing ingredients such as vitamin C and retinol.

6: If your skin is sensitive to a specific ingredient.
Just because you react to a good ingredient in one formulation doesn't mean you'll have the same response to another formulation. Effective cosmetic skincare ingredients like AHAs, salicylic acid and retinol can be irritating. If you try a product containing one of these ingredients, start slowly to allow your skin time to adjust. If, after two weeks, you still notice irritation, try another product containing the ingredient. You may find that a different mix will agree with your skin.

Also sticking only with products that worked for you in the past may not be a good idea. Human bodies change as it ages so why shouldn't the skin? The products cease to be effective if your skin needs shift and you could also be missing out on new technologies and ingredients that will better suit your current needs. Don't be afraid to experiment but also don't go for material available just about anywhere! Leave the fear to the person who pays the bills.

7: Prevent pimples rather than curing.
A pimple can take weeks to form under the skin, so while you're treating the one that's currently visible with a spot treatment, you're neglecting the ones that will pop up in the future. The best bet is a preventative, full-face regimen to stop pimples before they even begin to form. Thank the natural decrease in estrogens/increase in androgens we experience as we age, plus our increasingly stressful lifestyles, for this common condition.